Come to us
Come to us
GPS coordinates: 43.6189176, -1.2178705
If you come by car:
from the A63, exit 10 Saint-Geours de Maremne, then D12 and D33 towards Peyrehorade
from the A64, exit 6 Peyrehorade (A641), then D33 towards Saint-Vincent-de-Tyrosse
If you come by train:
Dax train station 20km away,
Saint-Geours de Maremne train station 8km away,
Saint-Vincent-de-Tyrosse train station 12km away
If you come by bike from Scandibérique:
Leave the towpath at the Marquèze bridge by taking the road that goes up (route de l'Adour).
Then at the intersection, turn right to the crossroads of the D33. Then turn right and cross the Marquèze bridge (Watch out for traffic!).
Take the first right immediately after the bridge, go under the bridge and go up the Adour road until the intersection with the D33.
Cross the D33 and continue on the Bidon road for 750m.
Another possibility: if you lack courage, we can come and pick you up at the Marquèze nautical base.